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Monday, May 26, 2008

Letsugas sa Bataraza ( Lettuce Garden in Bataraza, Palawan)

Yes, lettuce does, and can, grow in Bataraza. Thanks to Congressman Baham Mitra's Organic Farming Project which has successfully demonstrated that high value crops and fruits can be grown in the locality.

Just take a look at this lettuce garden..

Yellow watermelon and honeydew (melon) are also proven to be growable in this part of the country. Here're the proof...

Elsie Nallos, a municipal government employee, is amazed that this variety of watermelon (said to be from Taiwan) can actually be cultivated in the soils of her town.

The Taiwanese watermelon variety, now in Bataraza.

Let's take a glimpse at the soon-to-be vegetable produce of the municipal demo farm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's one huge lettuce garden, oh my! our turtles would just love that. we plant a little veggie garden each year just for them - they delight in leisurely munching away.

thanks so much for visiting my blog, and for your very nice comments!

Cheers :)