Last night I decided to try venturing into blogging while earning a little bit. I've added AdSense into my blog page.
I think anybody would feel the same curiosity as I had. You see the Customize button in your blog page and then you discover you can add features to make your blog a little interesting and fun. Suddenly you learn that you can actually earn, however little (or unexpectingly high) it may be, as you blog. Wouldn't AdSense make sense to you then?
So there, I ended up adding this commercial element in my blog page, and my application (yes, there's some sort of an application and some waiting time) for it got approved today. You see, the ads are now running here; they're everywhere. Hehe. And i smell moolah!
The downturn? I gave up my blog's some privacy to Google AdSense team. But what the heck, Google owns Blogger. They won't do anything to steal my identity. Nor my earnings, i guess. Now, I got Google team's eyes. (Peace, guys, peace. Don't worry, I love you and I trust you.)